
Category: State Budget

Jun 29, 2017
Rauner tries end run on health care

Special Session is not exempt from Gov. Rauner’s schemes, including his demand for massive cuts to the state group health insurance program.

Jun 29, 2017
Rauner’s privatization scheme goes bad

Gov. Rauner rushed to privatize state employee benefits administration, outsourcing the work from Springfield to Georgia—part of a $94 million contract with a foreign corporation.

Jun 01, 2017
Fight for fair wages continues, $15 minimum wage bill heads to governor’s desk

General Assembly heads into overtime without final action on bill to raise wages for disability services workers, but bill raising state minimum wage to $15 an hour did pass.

Jun 01, 2017
Rauner calls Special Session, still blocking budget

Rauner still holding Illinois hostage to his anti-worker demands, inflicting untold damage on the state.

May 25, 2017
Bill setting privatization safeguards goes to Rauner’s desk

Legislation aiming to curb reckless privatization and ensure accountability to taxpayers passed out of the Illinois General Assembly with a Senate vote on May 25. The measure had already passed the House.

May 16, 2017
New corporate tax giveaway despite budget crisis

A recent study shows more than 2/3 of Illinois corporations pay no state income tax. But a move is afoot in Springfield to expand corporate tax breaks. The Center for Tax and Budget Accountability has all the facts.

Apr 12, 2017
University cutbacks spark protest

Union members protest Bruce Rauner’s budget crisis as funding cuts threaten long-term damage to our state’s public higher education.

Apr 11, 2017
Chicago aldermen urge Gov. Rauner to negotiate with state workers

The Chicago City Council overwhelmingly approved a resolution on March 29, calling on Rauner to return to the bargaining table with state workers and their unions.

Mar 23, 2017
Awaiting court's decision in state paychecks case

A three-judge appellate panel heard the appeal from the Attorney General to dissolve the court order ensuring state employees are being paid despite the budget standoff.

Feb 10, 2017
State worker faces loss of baby's oxygen tank

Because Illinois Gov. Rauner won't sign a budget, a company tried to repossess the oxygen tank needed by Kenea Williams's infant son.