
Category: City of Chicago / Cook County

Jan 23, 2019
City of Chicago to revisit mental health clinic closures

The Chicago City Council voted to create a task force to study mental health services available and make recommendations to improve the city’s public mental health safety net. CDPH employees, members of AFSCME Local 505, played a key role in this fight.

Jan 15, 2019
Thanks to AFSCME members, Chicago 311 is still public and better than ever

AFSCME’s anti-privatization efforts halted the city from outsourcing the non-emergency 311 center in Chicago, paving the way for new and improved services. Now the city-run operation is being hailed as a national model.

Jan 14, 2019
Good riddance, Rauner—JB Pritzker becomes Illinois governor

Bruce Rauner is out the door. That’s good news for the countless Illinois citizens who were grievously harmed by his vengeance politics, especially the thousands of state employees who were the prime targets of his animus.

Dec 17, 2018
AFSCME on Fox: Defending public pensions

On Fox Chicago, the union defended pensions amid renewed attacks by politicians and corporate front groups.

Dec 13, 2018
Unions oppose latest attack on pensions

Outgoing Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel called to wipe out the state Constitution's pension protection clause. The Illinois AFL-CIO and Chicago Federation of Labor were quick to stand together and say NO!

Dec 11, 2018
Holiday junk mail from Rauner's IPI

Latest spam trying to trick AFSCME members into quitting their union should go straight to the trash.

Nov 30, 2018
AFSCME, other unions play role in Pritzker transition

Committee appointments signal that labor has a seat at the table in the new administration.

Oct 04, 2018
Chicago city workers ratify new contract

AFSCME members voted overwhelmingly to approve a new contract that makes gains in city government.

Sep 07, 2018
An open letter to the Illinois Policy Institute

AFSCME member and state employee Ty Ellison received a letter in the mail from the IPI, professing to want to improve his life by helping him quit his union. He isn’t having it.

Sep 13, 2018
AFSCME members ratify new contract in Cook County

The nearly 5,000 county employees in 14 AFSCME local unions voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new contract, capping more than a year of very challenging negotiations.