May 18, 2011

Misleading phone calls stir controversy

The misleading phone calls Illinois residents have been receiving are part of a billionaire-funded PR campaign from the same source that instigated the Wisconsin war on public employees - the nefarious Koch brothers.

The misleading phone calls Illinois residents have been receiving are part of a billionaire-funded PR campaign from the same source that instigated the Wisconsin war on public employees - the nefarious Koch brothers.

The calls, along with newspaper, TV and radio ads, are coming from  Besides getting money from the Koch brothers, the campaign is being fed by wealth Chicago corporate bigwigs and their front organization, the Commercial Club.

Even state Rep. Mike Bost, R-Murphysboro, called the robocalls "pretty extreme stuff."

Here are some recent news stories about the pension battle:

Illinois pension debate involves cash, confusion

Two sides lock horns over state pension system

For a Koch brothers primer click here.

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