
Category: Organizing

Apr 07, 2020
Sewing for safety

When the COVID-19 crisis hit, the shortage of personal protective equipment like face masks became quickly apparent. AFSCME Local 401 member Stacy Mickelson knew she could help.

Apr 06, 2020
COVID-19 Relief for Student Loan Borrowers

The newly-enacted CARES Act requires the Education Secretary to defer student loan payments, principal and interest for six months without penalty to the borrower—and provides other forms of assistance during the coronavirus pandemic.

Apr 03, 2020
AFSCME urges Families First coverage for all employees

AFSCME members are working hard during the public health emergency posed by the coronavirus, often on the front lines where they are at greater risk for exposure to COVID-19.

Mar 30, 2020
Child care needs during COVID-19 crisis

Many public service workers need help in caring for their children at this critical time—here are resources and additional information.

Mar 30, 2020
COVID-19 Resources

During the COVID-19 crisis, AFSCME members are on the front lines. This compilation of resources can help answer questions.

Mar 24, 2020
AFSCME endorses Joe Biden for President

On March 23, AFSCME's International Executive Board voted unanimously to endorse Joe Biden for President.

Mar 03, 2020
"It's time to stop the harassment"

This powerful video describes in very personal terms the retaliation that employees at CGH Medical Center, a public hospital in Sterling, Illinois, have faced as they exercise their legal right to form a union.

Sep 24, 2019
Second union contract for Mosaic employees

Direct service personnel (DSPs) at Mosaic in Rockford made further gains in wages and protections in their second AFSCME contract.

Sep 24, 2019
Quad Cities 911 dispatchers stand strong

Dispatchers took their case to the streets and picketed their employer about the unsafe conditions created by excessive mandatory overtime—and they won.

Sep 16, 2019
20 years union for Wexford employees

Employees of Wexford Health Sources Inc. at Illinois correctional facilities celebrated a two-year contract agreement and their 20-year union anniversary this July.