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Retirement. You earned it and you have every right to enjoy it with dignity. AFSCME Retiree Chapter 31 is here to help make sure that's possible. 

10 Good Reasons to Join AFSCME Illinois Retirees Chapter 31

  1. Threats to Our Retirement Security. Big business and the right wing have launched major campaigns to undercut government responsibility for public pensions and retiree health care. Protecting our benefits is the No. 1 reason for sticking together in Illinois AFSCME Retiree Chapter 31. Our strength is your security.
  2. Strength in Numbers. The AFSCME Retiree Program is the largest organization of public retirees in the USA, with nearly 230,000 dues-paying members nationwide (more than 30,000 right here in Illinois). The bigger we are, the stronger we are.
  3. Power in Unity. Alone, each of us have little power. But when public employee retirees join together and speak with one voice, we have clout with lawmakers and retirement systems.
  4. Affiliation with AFSCME. AFSCME – the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees – is the nation’s leading public-sector union, with 1.6 million members. No organization has more experience fighting and winning for public employees and retirees.
  5. Support from the Working Members. Chapter 31 has the full support of AFSCME Illinois Council 31 – which has a membership of more than 70,000 public workers statewide.
  6. A National Network of Retiree Chapters. The AFSCME Retirees have chapters across the country, which work together on federal issues that affect public retirees. Only a national organization has the ability to lobby Representatives and Senators nationwide on such issues as protecting Medicare and repealing the unfair Social Security/public-pension offsets.
  7. Local Retiree Meetings. Illinois Chapter 31 has more than 30 retiree sub-chapters, enabling our members to meet locally, in their own communities. Most subchapters meet monthly, giving members the chance to socialize and get the latest information on retirement issues. [INSERT LINK TO CALENDAR]
  8. Info on Retirement Issues. Members of Illinois Chapter 31 receive subscriptions to two informative publications: AFSCME’s national PrimeTIME retiree bulletin, plus Council 31’s own newspaper, On the Move, which includes a Retiree Notes section focused on retirement issues.
  9. An Experienced Staff. No other organization has more expertise on public-sector issues than AFSCME. The staff of the national union and its Illinois affiliate includes budget analysts, labor economists, lawyers and professional lobbyists, who help us protect and improve our retirement benefits. We can also rely on Chapter 31’s full-time retiree program coordinator to serve the members and oversee our activities.
  10. Members-Only Benefits. The “AFSCME Advantage” Program offers a variety of benefits and services to meet our members’ consumer needs. These include a no-fee, low-rate MasterCard; a discount legal assistance plan; theme park and car rental discounts; a pet services plan; a low-cost health savings program, with discounts on drugs and dental care; and many more.