What is PEOPLE?

Elected officials can dramatically affect the lives of AFSCME members. While unions can never hope to match the hundreds of millions of dollars big business pours into every election, working people have superior numbers, so we can get out in the streets and work for candidates—and educate elected officials.
And if union members pool their cash, unions can help make sure that our endorsed candidates have enough funds to compete against business-backed opponents.
That's where PEOPLE comes in.
What is PEOPLE?
PEOPLE—Public Employees Organized to Promote Legislative Equality—is the vehicle for public employees to make their voices heard in the electoral arena, policy debates and legislative deliberations. It allows members to make voluntary contributions into a fund that promotes the political program and helps elect candidates friendly to working families.
Get Involved
Together, we can influence public policy and legislation by getting involved in AFSCME's political program. There are many ways to get involved, including four important activities:
- Registering AFSCME members to vote and providing them important information on the issues and candidates' records;
- Lobbying elected officials;
- Working to elect candidates who will act in the interest of AFSCME members and their families; and
- Making voluntary contributions that fund these and other union political activities.
Sign up to become a volunteer!
PEOPLE Endorsement Process
The AFSCME PEOPLE program has established an endorsement process to give members the information they need to make the best choices on Election Day.
The process is democratic—all local unions can participate. By setting up such a process, AFSCME members speak with one voice.
Each region of the state has a PEOPLE committee, which uses a variety of tools to decide who to endorse in local races. Voting records, questionnaires, candidate interviews, and information provided by the legislative staff are all considered.
Party affiliation is not a basis for endorsement. The bottom line is the candidate's support for issues that benefit working families. During election seasons, the candidates that AFSCME Council 31 recommends are listed on this website.