
Category: State Budget

Feb 09, 2017
Rauner vows to veto state employee pay bill

AFSCME has been working to pass legislation to protect state employee paychecks, but in a video emailed to all state workers, Gov. Rauner threatened to veto that bill.

Jan 17, 2017
Private prison industry puts profits ahead of safety

CoreCivic’s Trousdale Turner Correctional Center is a prime example of what happens when corporations are left unchecked to provide services previously offered by state employees.

Sep 13, 2016
Disability workers fight for fair wage

Despite the strident efforts of DSPs and their supporters, a measure to override Governor Rauner's veto of a bill to pay DSPs a living wage failed on November 16.

Sep 02, 2016
Labor Board judge's recommendation calls for renewal of state contract negotiations

AFSCME Council 31 responds to the recommended decision issued September 2 by an Administrative Law Judge of the Illinois Labor Relations Board.

Aug 22, 2016
Union calls for better internal security at Pontiac Correctional Center in the wake of assault on correctional employees

A troubling culture of inmate violence at Pontiac Correctional Center culminated in an assault by multiple inmates on prison staff on August 21. Four correctional officers and two lieutenants were treated for non life-threatening injuries.

Jul 20, 2016
AFSCME members across the country stand with Illinois

More than 3,000 AFSCME delegates to the 42nd International Convention meeting this week in Las Vegas overwhelmingly approved a resolution of solidarity with Illinois members who are confronting one of the most fiercely anti-union governors in the country.

Jul 07, 2016
Labor Board says NO to Rauner speed-up request

The Illinois Labor Relations Board voted unanimously to deny the Rauner Administration’s motion to bypass a recommended decision from the judge who presided over hearings into the Unfair Labor Practice charges filed by Gov. Rauner and by AFSCME.

Jun 29, 2016
Illinois higher education crisis at tipping point

AFSCME members, allies urge full funding of state universities now, and with none of Gov. Rauner’s harmful poison-pill demands.

Jun 10, 2016
Gov. Rauner vetoes back pay, social services funding

Gov. Rauner has vetoed Senate Bill 2046, legislation to fund the back pay owed to thousands of state employees, as well as critical social services, public health and higher education.

Jun 02, 2016
Lawmakers call for return to bargaining but refuse to support HB 580, the fair arbitration bill

When the governor sharply rejected seven Republican legislators’ call to return to the bargaining table, these same legislators refused to support their constituents.