
Category: Corrections

Jul 26, 2018
AFSCME issues new report on violence in Illinois Youth Centers and how to prevent it

"Rising Violence in Illinois Youth Centers: Causes & Cures" highlights the serious problem of increased violence in the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice and outlines recommendations to reverse the trend.

Jul 19, 2018
AFSCME members won’t back down

The US Supreme Court’s majority sided with the super-rich in Janus v. AFSCME Council 31 on June 27. But AFSCME members know that our freedom to have a strong voice on the job is under assault—and they’re pledging to stick with their union.

Jul 12, 2018
Made whole with union power

Wrongly accused, AFSCME Local 424 member Jason Klingeman lost his job. With the union's help he was reinstated with back pay and benefits. “If it wasn’t for our union, I wouldn’t be here," he said. "We have an awesome union. I am 1,000 percent pleased.”

Jun 21, 2018
Supreme Court rules against working people

In favor of billionaire CEOs and corporate interests in Janus v. AFSCME Council 31, the U.S. Supreme Court holds that fair-share fees in the public sector violate the First Amendment of the Constitution.

Jun 13, 2018
Court hears oral arguments in state contract impasse case

The 4th District Appellate Court heard oral arguments on June 13 in AFSCME Council 31’s appeal of the Labor Board’s decision backing Gov. Bruce Rauner’s claim that the parties were at impasse in negotiations between the state of Illinois and AFSCME.

Jan 28, 2018
Janus v. AFSCME: The Facts

Get the facts about the lawsuit that aims to take away the freedom of working people to join together in strong unions, Janus v. AFSCME Council 31.

Jun 06, 2018
AFSCME letter to Rauner: Process state employee back pay now

After enactment of state budget, Council 31 Executive Director Roberta Lynch sent a letter to Gov. Rauner calling on him “to immediately direct your agencies to prepare vouchers for the full amount of back wages owed to employees both active and retired.”

May 24, 2018
Back pay bill passes House & Senate

HB 4290, the bill providing funding for wages owed to state employees since 2011, passed out of the Illinois House of Representatives with a veto-proof majority on May 24 and out of the Senate with unanimous support on May 30.

May 10, 2018
AFSCME state workers push for payment of back wages

More than 1,000 state employee AFSCME members flooded the state Capitol, pressing legislators to pay state government’s oldest unpaid bill for back wages owed since July 2011.

May 25, 2018
Rauner fighting “make whole” remedy in steps case

Once again Bruce Rauner is doing everything possible to circumvent state law and block state employees from being paid what they are owed. AFSCME will continue to do battle in every available legal venue to compel fair treatment for employees.