Last week AFSCME members got a big boost in their “mailboxes”—the largest-ever tax cut for working families in American history is the newly expanded child tax credit, part of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan.
One day after a rally when more than 150 AFSCME members and their supporters spoke out against threatened cuts to library staff, services and hours, the Niles-Maine library board approved a budget plan that avoids the worst of the cuts.
We did it! On June 23, the AFSCME bargaining committee reached a tentative agreement on a new union contract for some 4,000 members in Cook County government.
In an unprecedented “virtual” legislative session, AFSCME Council 31 succeeded in positively impacting the state budget and helping pass a number of bills of importance to union members—and block passage of a number that would be harmful.
A panel of library worker activists discuss strategies for effective worker and community advocacy, building library worker power to make a difference!
April 28 marks the observance of Workers’ Memorial Day in the United States. This day honors fallen workers and serves as a reminder that the fight for safe workplaces must continue.
Randy Hellmann—a longtime Illinois AFSCME local union president, Council 31 executive board member and staff representative—died of COVID-19. His final wish was that his fellow union members get vaccinated.
Congratulations to AFSCME Local 900B Chief Steward Jennifer Feeney who was selected as the 2021 Teacher of the Year for the Illinois Head Start Association!
In 2020, Hardcastle and his fellow AFSCME Local 1960 members answered approximately 214,908 calls, including 99,979 emergency calls, while dispatching to 35 different police and fire departments in Champaign County.
The majority of candidates endorsed by the AFSCME PEOPLE program won their races in the primary and general consolidated local elections, including two AFSCME members.
In a win for the labor movement, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act on March 9. The PRO Act reforms labor laws to give power back to workers so they can freely organize unions.
AFSCME played a key role in ensuring the allocation of nearly $700 billion in investment in public services, including $360 billion in flexible aid for struggling states, cities, counties and schools—including some $13 billion to Illinois.
AFSCME Local 1964 President Jack Matthews will join the State Employees Retirement System (SERS) Board of Trustees after being the only candidate who submitted sufficient signatures for election.
Despite all the challenges facing workers who want to join a union during the pandemic, the ranks of new AFSCME members are growing. On February 1, 164 employees of the 19th Circuit Chief Judge won certification of their union.
In a Feb. 24 letter to the editor, Council 31 Executive Director Roberta Lynch took on the Tribune's demand that Governor Pritzker "get tough" on AFSCME.